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- Calcul de la position de la lune .
- Le programme ELP82B est traduit en PASCAL .
- Les fichiers originaux des sΘries ont ΘtΘ modifiΘs afin de permettre leur
- accΦs en PASCAL et de favoriser la vitesse d'exΘcution :
- - Seul les termes correspondant α une tronquation de PREC > 10-9 radians
- ( 0.0002" ) sont conservΘs .
- - Les fichiers sont en format binaires .
- - Pour les distinguer ces fichiers sont renommΘs ELPBxx.DAT .
- Description originale du catalogue :
- VI/79 Lunar Solution ELP 2000-82B (Chapront-Touze+, 1988)
- ================================================================================
- ELP 2000-85: a semi-analytical lunar ephemeris adequate for historical times
- Chapront-Touze M., Chapront J.
- <Astron. Astrophys. 190, 342 (1988)>
- =1988A&A...190..342C (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)
- The Lunar Ephemeris ELP 2000
- Chapront-Touze M., Chapront J.
- <Astron. Astrophys. 124, 50 (1983)>
- =1983A&A...124...50C (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)
- ================================================================================
- ADC_Keywords: Ephemerides
- Keywords: moon - ephemerides - celestial mechanics
- Description:
- The theory of the lunar motion consists of the series of the
- semi-analytical solution ELP2000-82. The constants of the subsequent
- lunar ephemeris are fitted to the numerical integration DE200/LE200 of
- the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the arguments come from the
- semi-analytical theory ELP 2000-85.
- Authors' Address:
- M. Chapront-Touze, J. Chapront
- Bureau des Longitudes, CNRS URA 707
- 77, Avenue Denfert-Rochereau
- 75014, Paris, France
- Tel : (33) 1 40 51 22 66 (33) 1 40 51 22 71
- Fax : (33) 1 46 33 28 34
- Contents:
- The semi-analytical lunar theory ELP 2000-82 contains purely
- trigonometric series and Poisson series proportional to the time (t)
- or the square of the time (t2).
- 36 data files include the series related to various components of the
- theory for the 3 spherical coordinates: longitude, latitude and
- distance. Units are arcsecond for longitude and latitude, kilometer
- for distance. Arguments, constants and coordinate systems are
- described in the notice "Lunar solution ELP 2000-82B" (elp82b.ps).
- All this set allows to compute a high precision lunar ephemeris. A
- FORTRAN example is provided (EXAMPLE) which makes use of the basic
- subroutine ELP82B.
- File Summary:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ReadMe 80 . This file
- elp82b.ps 512 2413 Postscript Notice "Lunar solution ELP 2000-82B"
- elp82b.f 72 294 Fortran77 Subroutine ELP82B (time substitution)
- example.f 72 716 Fortran77 program example of use of ELP82B
- ELP1 99 1024 Main problem. Longitude periodic terms (sine)
- ELP2 99 919 Main problem. Latitude (sine)
- ELP3 99 705 Main problem. Distance (cosine)
- ELP4 45 348 Earth figure perturbations. Longitude
- ELP5 45 317 Earth figure perturbations. Latitude
- ELP6 45 238 Earth figure perturbations. Distance
- ELP7 45 15 Earth figure perturbations. Longitude/t
- ELP8 45 12 Earth figure perturbations. Latitude/t
- ELP9 45 9 Earth figure perturbations. Distance/t
- ELP10 63 14329 Planetary perturbations. Table 1 Longitude
- ELP11 63 5234 Planetary perturbations. Table 1 Latitude
- ELP12 63 6632 Planetary perturbations. Table 1 Distance
- ELP13 63 4385 Planetary perturbations. Table 1 Longitude/t
- ELP14 63 834 Planetary perturbations. Table 1 Latitude/t
- ELP15 63 1716 Planetary perturbations. Table 1 Distance/t
- ELP16 63 171 Planetary perturbations. Table 2 Longitude
- ELP17 63 151 Planetary perturbations. Table 2 Latitude
- ELP18 63 115 Planetary perturbations. Table 2 Distance
- ELP19 63 227 Planetary perturbations. Table 2 Longitude/t
- ELP20 63 189 Planetary perturbations. Table 2 Latitude/t
- ELP21 63 170 Planetary perturbations. Table 2 Distance/t
- ELP22 45 4 Tidal effects. Longitude
- ELP23 45 3 Tidal effects. Latitude
- ELP24 45 3 Tidal effects. Distance
- ELP25 45 7 Tidal effects. Longitude/t
- ELP26 45 5 Tidal effects. Latitude/t
- ELP27 45 6 Tidal effects. Distance/t
- ELP28 45 21 Moon figure perturbations. Longitude
- ELP29 45 13 Moon figure perturbations. Latitude
- ELP30 45 15 Moon figure perturbations. Distance
- ELP31 45 12 Relativistic perturbations. Longitude
- ELP32 45 5 Relativistic perturbations. Latitude
- ELP33 45 11 Relativistic perturbations. Distance
- ELP34 53 29 Planetary perturbations - solar eccentricity.
- Longitude/t2
- ELP35 52 14 Planetary perturbations - solar eccentricity.
- Latitude/t2
- ELP36 52 20 Planetary perturbations - solar eccentricity.
- Distance/t2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Remarks :
- (1) The document elp82b.ps ("LUNAR SOLUTION ELP 2000-82B") can be
- requested directly to the authors. The sources which consist in 36
- files (the semi-analytical series) and the programs of use (example.f
- and elp82b.f) are also available on diskettes (DOS system).
- (2) The subroutine ELP82B and the program EXAMPLE (FORTRAN 77) are
- provided to simply illustrate the computation of an ephemeris. If the
- user wants to improve the rapidity of computation, it is recommended
- to transform files in direct access and/or to read series in memory
- once for all.
- ================================================================================
- (End) Gerard Francou [BDL] 31-May-1995